School Life

  • Policies 

Pastoral Care and Discipline

At Mount St. Michael's we are concerned with the overall development of each child in our care and therefore we strive to create a happy, secure, well-disciplined, caring environment in which our children learn and which will contribute to their spiritual, intellectual and personal growth. 

Child Protection

At Mount St. Michael’s we believe that Child Protection encompasses the action taken to promote the personal safety of our children and the procedures followed in responding to suspicious and / or allegations of ill treatment of individuals.


In Mount St. Michael’s we take a pro-active approach to bullying. Bullying and it’s effects are explored in all classes through Circle Time, R.E., literacy and in a wide variety of ways as outlined in our Anti-Bullying Policy. Bullying is an issue which is taken very seriously by the school management and all incidents will be dealt with in accordance with the procedures outlined in our Anti-Bullying Policy.

All policies are available on request.